Wednesday, August 26, 2009

It's been awhile since I wrote here! Summer is fading (still sizzling, tho!) into the fall season....with the pace picking up in our families....six grandsons playing football at different levels! Yikes! It's getting harder each year for us"70-somethings" to keep up with them all! And now there's even one out of state! Will is at Harding University, Searcy, Arkansas, in his freshman year. He has been 'red-shirted' this year.....which he probably hates!....he wants to PLAY! But perhaps next year we will get to go and watch him play over there in Searcy! Colt, our oldest grandson, plays at UT, his brother Chance at ACU, and Case is a senior in high school, the starting quarterback at Graham, Tx. Will's brother, Wes, is playing high school football (receiver) at Shallowater, and Zane, Michael's oldest, is a freshman football player at Brownwood, Tx.! The only two not playing are Michaels youngest, Ben, and of course his daughter (our only grandaughter!!) Kylee! Who knows......I think some girls are playing football these days, also! But we hope not our Kylee!! She is a darling 11 year old, all girl, tho she can hold her own with her brothers and cousins!
Sunday night at church at Merkel we were visited by Parker and Donna Henderson, long-time missionaries to Thailand and Trinidad...such a treat to see them, because Burl led singing many times in meetings for Parker when they started out as young men at ACU years ago! I recall that Parker is the first person who taught us to sing "I Know The Lord Will Find a Way For me."
"I know the Lord will find a way for me!
I know the Lord will find a way for me!
If I walk in heaven's light, shun the wrong, and do the right,
I know the Lord will find a way for me!"

"Won't it be grand to hear Him say, "well done!"
Won't it be grand to hear Him say, 'well done!"
If we walk in heaven's light, shun the wrong, and do the right,
Won't it be grand to hear Him say, "well done!"

And won't it though?!!! You Be There!

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