Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hello...I heard a visiting preacher today who was very inspiring and sharp in presenting the word of God. He was talking about the old law and it's implication for our lives under the new covenant of Jesus Christ. In talking about "right and wrong" he made the statement "right is right because it reflects God, who God is." That surely stands up with the new testament teaching that we are to become like Christ. For Christ himself told his followers that he was "showing them" God in his nature. Isn't it a great blessing that He gave us His Spirit at our immersion, so that we would be enabled to become more like Christ? Without that divine help, there's no way I could become "holy" in my conduct and attitude, for I am a poor, weak sinner! But Praise be to God.....He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of his son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins!
May God so so bless your day and coming week!

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