Sunday, February 22, 2009

Good morning! It's the Lord's Day....we look forward to worshipping this morning with fellow-Christians as we sing heartfelt praise to the Lord and remember the death of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection and His promise to come again!

A year or so ago I wrote the following piece about 'faith.' I am going to print it here, hoping that you will check out these things in the Bible to see if they are so!
You can use a concordance, look up the key word or words, and find the scripture reference. I believe each statement is based on scriptures! (please read Romans
1:17, which says: "For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith, from first to last, just as it is written:"the righteous will live by faith.")

"Faith's Eyes"
By faith we believe that God made everything from things unseen.
Then He created us from the 'dust' of His creation!
He breathed into us the breath of life!
We are made "in His image!"

By faith we believe that we are destined for eternity...either in the place God has prepared for those who obey Him, or in the place He has prepared for the devil and his followers. So I say, Choose Faith! Or as the prophet said, "Choose life."

Faith's eyes believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God, though having not seen Him.

Faith's eyes see the wisdom of this belief in Christ leading him to put Christ on in baptism, in the likeness of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

Faith's eyes joyfully accept with confidence the gift of God's Holy Spirit which comes to dwell in him as a gift of baptism!

Faith's eyes acknowledge the help the Holy Spirit gives him in choosing to live for Jesus!

Faith's eyes see beyond this earthly experience to view that city that is to come!

Faith's eye see beyond the outside appearance of another person to view the possibilities in them that God sees!

Faith's eyes see the intrinsic reward of it being "more blessed to give than to receive."

Faith's eye see the hope that lies behind Jesus' words when He said "he that loses his life for my sake will find it."

Faith's eyes see the importance of leading little chldren to know about Jesus' love for them!

Faith's eyes see the urgency of the call of the lost in this world as they cry out for the salvation God offers.

Faith's eyes play out again and again the stories of faithful men and women told in the word of God, which in turn strengthens faith!

Faith's eyes look into eternity and visualize the throne of God and the myriad of angesl praising and adoring Him, and longs to be there, too!

Faith's eyes look into the face of Jesus her loving Savior, and sees in Him the compassion He showed to His followers while He walked on this earth!

Faith's eyes see Jesus at the right hand of God's throne, faithfully interceding for His children with empathy and understanding of their humanity and trials.

Faith's eyes see the compassion of the Lord when this physical body becomes infirm and is wearing out.

Faith's eyes see the hosts of angels who will carry him away to the Father and eternal comfort some day!

And Faith's eyes see the hand of Jesus who will reach across that big gulf and help!

And Faith's eyes steadily sees events unfolding at that time that will turn his "faith" into "sight" as he gains first-hand knowledge of our glorious Father and Savior, Jesus Christ!

May God bless you today!

1 comment:

  1. That was very good Mom! I bet you are tired after grandparenting for a couple of days! Thanks for the books you left me. I just found them and am going to make a cup of coffee and sit down and read a minute. Love you. Amy
