Thursday, March 5, 2009

March has come in and here in west Texas we are very, very dry! We pray for the Lord to send us rain from His heavens! I can remember past times when the wonderful rain finally came after a long dry spell, and how refreshing and revitalizing it was! Our stock tanks are getting very low and murky, the dried winter grasses are even deader and drier looking as each day goes by. We are so thankful that we have hay to feed our livestock! And are they hungry! They practically knock my husband over when he's loading the troughs with the hay!
The other critical concern in this dry weather is the threat of wildfires. We have had one really bad one in our area in the past two weeks, destroying about 2,000 acres of pastureland and fences and some structures, though no one lost their home, thankful to say!

Do you remember the story in the Bible where Elijah prayed that it not rain and the Lord withheld rain for three years? And then he prayed again, and God sent the rain! There are many scriptures that refer to the rain coming from referring to the water pots of heaven! And who could forget that rain of all rains....the flood in Noah's time!! Everytime we see a rainbow in the sky we can remember and trust God's promises following the flood that never again would He destroy all life with a flood! The rainbow is a precious, beautiful testimony of God's presence, His love for us, His promises!

If you are reading here today, I hope you will join me and many others in prayer, asking the Lord to send His wonderful rain to quench the thirst of these dry lands and water tanks and lakes! Just as His wonderful Spirit fills our dry hearts and refreshes us, His wonderful rain can fall upon our dry lands and bring revival!

On the lighter side....thinking of made me think of a little silly song
we used to sing when we were young. The words went like this:
"There was a toad sat in the road
resting from many hops!
When to his pain, the cold wet rain
Came down in great big drops!
But soon he spied a toadstool wide
And quickly crept in under!
'Hooray!" he cried, I'm free from rain,
And also safe from thunder!"

And just as the Lord cares for the little creatures in any circumstance, we can be sure He cares for us! And He hears our prayers! So pray with me for His rain! James chapter 1 teaches us to pray with faith, not doubting! God bless you tonight!

1 comment:

  1. You don't know me, but your daughter left a comment on my blog about teaching children to pray. I was looking at blogs connected to hers, and came across your blog. My parents also blog. I see ya'll live in west Texas. Where? I am from the San Angelo area.
