Wednesday, February 4, 2009

HELLO! This is a "loving granma" who wants to reach out to anyone who has a heart seeking the truth about how to be rescued from sin! First, I would say, I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God! My hearts desire is to help others to come to belief in Him! I have seen how wonderful God's blessings are on my family, and others who are honest before Him, and I have a yearning heart to share that with you!

In an old book called "The Christian's Secret Of a Happy Life" by Hannah Whitall Smith, she gives a formula tried and true when one approaches the Bible to find it's truth:

1)fact 2)faith 3)feeling.

She explains that most people will only accept something as true if they "feel" it first..if they don't they won't consider it and look further. But, going on, she explains that if one read's the Bible, finds the facts stated, chooses to accept that fact in "faith", then the Lord provides the "feelings" to go with it or affirm it! I have found this to be absolutely true in my experience!

We all know we live in a very dark world! But, the Bible calls us to come out of that darkness by accepting God's gospel of salvation! In the resulting blessing of walking daily in His light we become changed people in so many wonderful ways! My scripture today to share with you: Colossians 1:13: "For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness, and brought us into the kingdom of the son He loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgivenss of sins."
(New Internation Version of the Bible)

My "blog" is prayerfully dedicated to reaching out to you, from my personal convictions and experiences, using the Bible as the word of God that has stood the test of time for it's authenticity! I pray you will return to this blog site, be led to consider these facts further, and do your own checking into the Word to see if these things are not so! God bless your day!

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