Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hello to you all on this beautiful spring day. I've been away from my home and computer so much lately, I've let this blogging attempt lag badly, I'm afraid! But just wanted to wish you God's blessings...tell you I have one grandson graduating from high school in about two weeks, and what a wonderful young man he is. In today's world he stands out as a bright and shining light...and he does it without 'fanfare' and loudness or foolishness in his manner. He is a dedicated child of God, and professes that as his first love and the thing he is devoted to in his daily life. He will go to Harding University in the fall, where, hopefully, he will daily experience his college education with a group of many like-minded Christian young people. He is a quiet and rather shy young man....but we notice he has many friends and is a favorite in his graduating class. I know the Lord is going to bring out the very best in him as he matures in his college years, and also bring into his life those who will be 'signigicant' throughout his lifetime.
I wish you could know this young man....he is tall, with light-brown hair (I always thought it was red, but his mom says no! it's brown), and the bluest eyes you have ever seen. He is so handsome...a combination of his mom and his dad, and quite a likeness to his younger brother, too! The sterling quality of this grandson is his quiet, unassuming, yet intelligent, manner, his humility, and genuine love for others, his helpfulness and his kind heart. Did I mention he's a really good and smart student?! (:>) That should help in college work, shouldn't it?~ Yesterday he participated in a Texas High School
regional track meet, where he was in the high jump. He did well, but missed going to state based on number of 'misses' at the 6ft. 6in. height! I think it's amazing that anyone could get near jumping over their own body height. He is 6ft6in tall, and a little over, I believe! So, way to go, Specially Loved Grandson!!! (I specially love them all, you know!)
I know his mom and dad are going find it impossible to prevent weeping as he goes across that space to receive his high school diploma. He has been a comfort and a blessing to them. Even his younger brother has told me that he is really going to miss him! That says a great deal for this young man, don't you think?
I've entered this before...but I will do it again, as I know this is his mom's feelings as has always been mine when my own children grew into adulthood:
"Mother's Covers"
When you were small and just a touch away,
I covered you with blankets against the cold night air.
But, now that you are grown and out of reach
I fold my hands and cover you with prayer.

You can be sure we will all be covering Will in prayers to our Father as he graduates, goes to Harding, and makes a difference in this world for the good Lord!
And may the good Lord bless and keep you! With love from 'GranJan'


  1. Thank you Mama. I have tears rolling down my cheeks. That was beautiful and I will have him read it. Love you so much. Amy

  2. That was beautiful! I will pray for Will on his new chapter in life. He is blessed to have his GranJan!
