Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hello on this lovely Tuesday morning! I hope the day is going great for any of you who check in here today!
My "hobby" (if I can call it that: it's really a gift the Lord has blessed me with, and I love using it!) is hymn-writing. I got started doing this when I dreamed 'snippets' of a song quite a few years ago, got up and wrote it down, and the next day put it into complete song form. We are so blessed to have a family that loves to sing and so we began singing these songs, as I began to write more and more.
This morning I was thinking of probably the last time I got parts of a song in a dream...while we were at the Red River Family Encampment in New Mexico. I actually got nearly all the words in a dream, and the gist of the melody! I woke up just elated and wrote it all down. I felt it was an "affirmation" of Christian parents and those who teach children the way of the Lord, and I wanted to share the words with you today, and pray they will bless your life as you parent your children!

"I Won't Go Away!"

I won't go away! I'm here to stay!
You mean too much to others who trust you each day
To explain all the wonders they see.....
Like the birds in the air, like the fish in the sea,
And I want you to know, I love you so,
I will be with you everywhere you go!
I will never give up on you now!
I will be there to cheer, and I'll never give up on you, now!

For I am your loving Father above!
I will lead you to teach all your children My love!
They are all so important to me!
More than birds in the air! More than fish in the sea...
They are made in My image, with My breath of life!
Lead them to me so that I can delight in the
Journey they make back to Me!
I will be there to cheer, and I'll never give up on you, now!

May God bless your day! May you have a heart for Him! And seek His will prayerfully, absorbing His words in the Bible.....and thank Him that we still are free to have this wonderful book available to us in America!

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