Monday, April 6, 2009

Good Monday morning! I was up very early this morning, sitting in my wonderful, comfy chair with my Bible (One Year Bible, great for reading thru the whole Bible in a year!) a good cup of coffee, my notebook, and thinking and praying about all my dear family.....I dozed off (hmm...why do we do that? Does age have anything to do with it?! The Lord understands, I know!) when I awoke the first lights of dawn were showing out my windows, so I flipped off the lamp and watched the day "break!" It was lovely to behold. And I had the thought run through my mind, "....thank you Lord for the wonderful is breaking on a 'broken world." Before I could continue I sort of got caught up in thinking about that idea...(it's sort of poetic and I wondered about words to a song, perhaps?) but anyway....I continued to pray then, acknowledging that the Lord made this world and everything in it, and He can fix it! I know His eyes are on it constantly...His word tells us, thru the voice of Jesus, "Come unto me, all you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light!" What a comfort. We also know that He is watchful over all those who are put in place as leaders of nations and kingdoms! So, we can have peace in our hearts and concerning our loved ones, even though we do know this is indeed a "broken world" we are living in. Broken by sin...and man insisting on going "his own way" rather than the way his creator leads him!
Please keep praying, keep trusting, keep hoping, and stay in His Word daily and in prayer! You will be given this wonderful peace that the world can't understand.

1 comment:

  1. Mom: Thanks for those words. I love you and thank you for always being in prayer for all of us. Hope to see you soon. Love, Amy
