Friday, March 20, 2009

Hello, again! Today is Friday, March 20, 2009! Where have the years gone? I was born in 1935 and it seems such a short life! But the Lord has richly blessed me with three wonderful children, and eight special grandchildren! They all are choosing to serve Him with gladness and faithfulness....making my heart rejoice and be glad! There is no greater joy for a Christian mother and grandmother than to know her children are faithful to the Lord God! I give Him praise and thanksgiving daily for them all! I take advantage of His great gift of prayer...interceding for them all daily...and many times daily, depending on their circumstances! (:>)
I want to encourage you to be people of constant prayer! It takes prayer to defeat Satan and all that he is throwing our way every day! Our young people especially are his targets, and we need to keep them covered in prayer to the One who made them, and can keep them safe, and turn their hearts to keep being faithful to Him!
About 42 years ago (yes, really!) a group of eight ladies in our city bonded together in a commitment to pray for one another daily. Little did we know that the Lord would bless us to still be meeting together every week in the year 2009! But meet together we do, every Thursday at noon, sharing a light meal, and our prayer needs and thanksgivings, and praying together. We are "six" in number, now, with the circumstances of life changing us. We have lost two in death, and one moved away, and years ago we added a precious sister who seems like she was with us from the start! Needless to say, we have come through a lot....the loss of one spouse tragically, the growing up of our children, the birth of our grandchildren and all the concerns connected with those "marriages and births" through the years, praying about the choices our children made and still are making, the choices of our grandchildren now, their college, work experiences, their marriages, their friendships, their struggles with Satans temptations. Now, at this time of our lives we are praying so regularly about the health of our spouses and ourselves! We are all getting much nearer the day the Lord will take us home to be with Him in eternity, and we are excited about that!
And we are praying diligently for the leadership of our country, and that God will choose to bless us and see us safely through the upheaval in America about morality, and honoring Him, as our forefathers have done. We pray for our freedoms to continue, but we know that God knows what is best for us, and is in control, no matter what happens to a country anywhere in the world. Romans 8, at the close of the chapter says that "nothing can separate us" from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus....and it names many things that could be called "crisis" saying these can never separate us from His love! What a comfort!
I encourage you to read this great chapter, and to become more and more a person of consistant, constant prayer to our Father, in the name of Jesus, His son, who is present in heaven at God's throne, pleading for us as our high priest! (Read the book of Hebrews to become more excited about this wonderful fact!)

God bless your day! Love you! GranJan

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hello! here is a great scripture for us all to think about!

Psalm 7:9: "O righteous God, who searches minds and hearts, bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure."

As we have stated in earlier posts, a Christian is only "righteous" because he has been baptized "into" Christ, and Christ becomes our righteousness~~in other words, God, the Father, sees us through the precious shed blood of Jesus, His Son!

So, the scripture for today fits us wonderfully even in these times, tho it was written by the inspired "sweet-singer of Israel," David, in the Psalms! So let us rejoice and be glad in it! And let us pray without ceasing that God will give us this resue and security in these difficult times for our nation! God bless you today...may you have a heart that is truly seeking God with honesty! He will bless it! Love, from GranJan!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hello, this is a new day the Lord has given us! We will rejoice and be glad in it!

There's a wonderful scripture found in Zechariah 4:6, where the Lord, speaking to Zechariah affirmed His (the Lord's) power, as they were trying to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. These words we should remember today as we grow concerned about our own country and the doings all over this world:'
"So he said to me, 'this is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the Lord Almighty."
Let us prayerfully remember that the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth and all that is in it, is the powerful One in control! Let us trust Him, praying with great conviction that He will lead, direct and care for us and for our nation! God bless you today!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

March has come in and here in west Texas we are very, very dry! We pray for the Lord to send us rain from His heavens! I can remember past times when the wonderful rain finally came after a long dry spell, and how refreshing and revitalizing it was! Our stock tanks are getting very low and murky, the dried winter grasses are even deader and drier looking as each day goes by. We are so thankful that we have hay to feed our livestock! And are they hungry! They practically knock my husband over when he's loading the troughs with the hay!
The other critical concern in this dry weather is the threat of wildfires. We have had one really bad one in our area in the past two weeks, destroying about 2,000 acres of pastureland and fences and some structures, though no one lost their home, thankful to say!

Do you remember the story in the Bible where Elijah prayed that it not rain and the Lord withheld rain for three years? And then he prayed again, and God sent the rain! There are many scriptures that refer to the rain coming from referring to the water pots of heaven! And who could forget that rain of all rains....the flood in Noah's time!! Everytime we see a rainbow in the sky we can remember and trust God's promises following the flood that never again would He destroy all life with a flood! The rainbow is a precious, beautiful testimony of God's presence, His love for us, His promises!

If you are reading here today, I hope you will join me and many others in prayer, asking the Lord to send His wonderful rain to quench the thirst of these dry lands and water tanks and lakes! Just as His wonderful Spirit fills our dry hearts and refreshes us, His wonderful rain can fall upon our dry lands and bring revival!

On the lighter side....thinking of made me think of a little silly song
we used to sing when we were young. The words went like this:
"There was a toad sat in the road
resting from many hops!
When to his pain, the cold wet rain
Came down in great big drops!
But soon he spied a toadstool wide
And quickly crept in under!
'Hooray!" he cried, I'm free from rain,
And also safe from thunder!"

And just as the Lord cares for the little creatures in any circumstance, we can be sure He cares for us! And He hears our prayers! So pray with me for His rain! James chapter 1 teaches us to pray with faith, not doubting! God bless you tonight!